Event Schedule
The first day of the conference will be reserved for supervisors and faculty members to discuss applied research at the doctoral level. The conference will offer a unique platform for faculty members to discuss multiple forms of doctoral research, scholarship and supervision. Registration is now open, and abstracts are now being accepted.
Date: Friday, August 20, 2021
Location: online conference
Fee: $50 (for one day)
Who can attend: Doctoral supervisors and faculty who are interested in discussing doctoral scholarship and supervision. Doctoral students and candidates at any stage of their study may also attend as general audience members.
Registration fees are required for all conference participants including presenters and general audience members.
Doctoral Student/Candidate Presentations
The final two days of the conference will focus on doctoral research and doctoral students. The conference will showcase different applied scholarly approaches, foci, modes, theories, and methods to address contemporary social and management challenges. Papers are now being accepted. Conference papers will be peer reviewed and published in the conference proceedings.
Dates: Saturday, August 21 – Sunday, August 22, 2021
Location: online conference
Fee: $50 (for two days)
Who can attend: Doctoral students and candidates at any stage of their study, and doctoral supervisors and faculty. Supervisors and faculty members may also attend as general audience members. Priority will be given to individuals who have submitted, or plan to submit to present during the conference.
Registration fees are required for all conference participants including presenters and general audience members.

Susan Porter
Dean & Vice-Provost, Graduate and Post Doctoral Studies, UBC
The Formation of Scholars for the 21st Century.
Friday, August 20
9:30am-10:30 am PDT

Dominique Bérubé
Vice-President Research, SSHRC-CRSH
Supporting Emerging Research Leaders: Effective research training for applied and socially engaged research.
Saturday, August 21
9:30am-10:30am PDT

Ann Dale
Professor and Director of the School of Environment and Sustainability, RRU
The Research Process: Dealing with Complex, Wicked Challenges.
Saturday, August 21
1:30pm-2:30pm PDT

Thomas Homer-Dixon
Director, Cascade Institute, RRU
Knowledge, Activism, and Hope: Finding the Balance.
Sunday, August 22
11:00am-12:00pm PDT